ZbigZ.com:Download torrent files with Internet Download Manager[IDM]
Hello Friends,I am back with the amazing tutorial for the mass torrent downloader,Everyone knows Currently torrent is the best source for dowonload songs,games,movies,soft etc.Actully the torrent speed depends on the many factors like Seeders,leeches,peers etc. Some times you can’t download the torrent if the your ISP(Internet service provider)has blocked the torrent activity.To overcome this situation you can download the torrent directly from web.But the zbigz.com is the best of them. Here is the brief tutorial to download torrent in IDM.Check it out !!
ZbigZ.com:Download torrent files with Internet Download Manager[IDM]
Step 1:Go to zbigz.com and click on Log in/Sign Up button.
Step 2: Follwing window will pop up,Now click on “New Member?” as show in screenshot
Step 3.Here you have to fill up form for new registration.After filling email id and password;Mark the check box and click on Register Button.
Now you are registered user of zbigz .com
Step 4:After completing registration process,You are logged into the zbigz.com with your New Account.Following screen will apear after clicking Register button in step 3

Step 5:Now Its time to find your torrent.I prefer kat#ph to download torrent,You can find torrent from you fav. torrent site.Here i want to download batman wallpaper,Look for the torrent having more seeders[It will take short time to leech].Now click on the torrent and follow the step 6
Step 6:Now Refer the following screenshot,Here you have to copy the magnet link of the torrent,For that right click on the MAGNET button as shown in screenshot and click on “copy link location”. 
Step 8:Click on “Free”
Step 9:After choosing free your torrent file will be leeched by high speed servers of Zbigz.com and your file will be ready to download in Few Minutes,Here the time required for leeching depends on the size of torrent and also the seeds of the torrent,If the torrent health is not good,zbigz will take couple of hours to leech it !! So choose the fresh and active torrent.
Step:10 zbigz.com will take some time to leech your torrent,When the leeching is completed you will see “caching completed” as shown in below screenshot.Now you are ready for download the torrent with IDM
Step 11:Now Click on Zip button to download the all the content of the torrent in one Zip file,After clicking on zip button you are redirected to the screen as shown in step 8,Here you have to select free.After clicking on free button you are back to your cached torrent,and it will take few seconds to catch the download link in Internet download mangar(IDM).
Step 12:If you don’t want to download the all the contents of the torrent there is option to download each file separately.For that refer the screenshot.
Now you can download the your favorite torrents with High speed in IDM.Here we are using free account of zbigz.com,Free account has some limitations and benefits.
Zbigz.com Free Account Benefits:
- Easy to make a new account,No need for the account conformation
- Protected BitTorrent:Available
- Download Torrent despite your ISP’s restrictions:Available
- Download Resume:Available
- Personal account:Available
- We can leech unlimited torrents
- Caching speed is superb
- Torrent file size limit is upto 8GB,Its Ok for ordinary user
- we can download simultaneously 2 torrents.Its good option for free users.
Zbigz.Com Free Account Limitations:
- Torrents are cached even if you are not on the site:No
- Dedicated channels, full cashing speed:No
- No ads:No
- Video & Music streaming:No
- File storage size:May BeYour files will be available in account forNo personal account:7 days
- Number of torrents in storage:2
- Download speed:150 KBps
- Maximum size of torrent:8 Gb
- Number of simultaneous downloads:2
i have some tips and trick to increase the download speed and get premium account for free,I will post it soon.
Note:In free account the download speed limit is 150 kbps,Yeah its right if you download each file separately as shown in step 12,But if you download the torrent by zipping it,There is no speed capping,You will get the maximum speed.
So,Friends now you can easily download torrent files with Internet download manager.If you have any problem then please leave a comment I will try to help you.And Those people who have already downloaded torrent files with IDM !! share your experience below.
If you like this article Share it facebook and tell your friends also;you should leave word of appreciation as comment for this kind of fully featured tutorial !!
Since ZbigZ has been having problems recently, I'd like to share another alternative called ByteBX. It works the same way as ZbigZ and accept free registration without invitation codes.
ReplyDeleteThe basic free account only allows 2.5 GB unlike the 8GB limit of ZBIGZ. BUT, for a limited time offer, you get 5 days 100 GB PREMIUM for FREE with unlimited download speed, unlimited torrent storage period and unlimited simultaneous torrent downloads.
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Dont post refer urls here!!
ReplyDeleteWebsite is www.bytebx.com
its good article